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Illustrations & Assets

Airdokan has created custom graphic illustrations. With your purchase, you can
access these assets and edit SVGs in your favourite tool. Our illustrations cannot be packaged and resold.

Diagram, engineering drawing
Illustration of a template
Made by Freepik
404 Image
Illustration of a template
Made by Freepik


Iconography was sourced from flaticon and is available under a CC0 license.

Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
A clock with a blue and yellow background
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
A close-up of a cigarette
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon
Template Icon
Sourced from flaticon


All photography is sourced from Unsplash is free to use in your projects. Unsplash Licence can be viewed via these links.

A person holding a book and smiling
Stock Photography
From Freepik
A person holding a paper and smiling
Stock Photography
From Freepik
A woman holding a Books
Stock Photography
From Freepik
A man wearing headphones and sitting at a table with a laptop
Stock Photography
From Freepik
A group of people sitting at a table with books
Stock Photography
From Freepik
A man holding a backpack and a book
Stock Photography
From Freepik
Graphical user interface
Stock Photography
A group of people sitting at a table with laptops
Stock Photography
 A woman holding a paper
Stock Photography

This template uses Plus Jakarta font, and it's licensed for free and commercial use. You can download it and check it's license on Fontshare

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